According to the ancient tradition and the teaching of the Church, the readings other than the Gospel are proclaimed by lay ministers called lectors. The use of two readers – one for each reading – is encouraged. The parish community should strive for enough trained lectors to fulfill this goal.
The Gospel is ordinarily proclaimed by the deacon. In the absence of a deacon, the priest proclaims the Gospel. In concelebrations, one other than the presiding celebrant proclaims the Gospel Announcements and/or any commentary during the celebration are read by someone other than the lectors.
All liturgical ministers, especially the ministers of the Word, must be properly trained for their ministry. The ministry of the Word requires skill in public reading, knowledge of the principles of liturgy, and an understanding and love of the scriptures.
Ideally, the readings at weddings and funerals are proclaimed by lectors of the parish who have been properly trained. However, for Parish Pastoral reasons, family members or friends may carry out this ministry.
Lectors can find a monthly schedule here.