The priesthood is a divinely instituted sacrament begun by Christ at the Last Supper in order to continue His ministry in the world. The priesthood is not an occupation, a job, or a profession. Instead, it is a life of loving service to God and neighbor.
When considering the priesthood, a spiritual director is invaluable in discerning God’s spirit for this vocation. One cannot walk that path alone, for arriving at the decision to become a priest is impossible without counsel. The Vocation Office of Los Angeles offers a list of spiritual directors who can assist you. A spiritual director is charged primarily not just with offering advice, but rather listening, affirming, and challenging you, providing feedback on what you share about your relationships with God, with others, your work, and ministry.
For additional information:
Video Link to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Vocations for the Priesthood
Signs of a Priestly Vocation
How do I know God is calling me?
If you have ever thought about being a priest, these qualities may be clues to a future priestly vocation:
A priest brings Jesus to people and people to Jesus. For this reason, a man who wants to be a priest must have a deep concern for the people of God. He wants to help them grow in holiness; he wants to teach them the truths of the faith; he wants to minster to them during the trials of life. The vocation of priesthood is about leading others to heaven.
If you’ve thought about the possibility of priesthood, but don’t yet have all these signs and qualities, don’t despair! All people must strive for holiness. And future priests go through a long and intensive formation period, precisely to help them grow in virtue and be effective in their ministry.
If you’re interested in priesthood, talk to the Vocation Director about the signs above. He can help you further discern your vocation. And remember—true happiness and peace depend on following God’s perfect will for your life. If God wants you to be a priest, trust in his grace to lead you.
Please join us in the Prayer for Priestly Vocations
Father, in every generation you provide ministers of Christ and the Church.
We come before you now, asking that you call forth more men to serve our Archdiocese in the ministerial priesthood. Give us priests who will lead and guide your holy people gathered by Word and Sacrament. Bless us with priestly vocations so that we can continue to be a truly Eucharistic Church, strengthened in our discipleship of Jesus Christ, your Only Son.
Raise up, we pray, men who are generous in their service, willing to offer their lives and all their gifts for your greater glory and for the good of your people.
We make our prayer in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, through Christ, Our Lord.
from Year of Prayer for Priestly Vocations Nov. 1 2005 – Oct. 31, 2006
Holiness is heroism.
Christ’s invitation to priesthood is an invitation to a way of life that is athletic in its intensity and heroic in its form.
Discern the call.
In this award-winning short film, produced by Word on Fire Catholic Ministries Father Robert Barron and the seminarians of Mundelein Seminary present the demands and the joy of the priestly vocation.
Check it out: http://www.